Computer Networks MCQs | STS IBA FPSC BPSC SPSC PPSC Mcqs Test Preparation

Enhance your understanding of Computer Networks with our comprehensive collection of basic computer MCQs and computer science MCQs. Our platform offers a variety of computer MCQ online tests designed specifically for mastering the fundamentals of networking. Dive into our computer MCQ test online resources, featuring detailed questions and answers to help you excel in Computer Networks. We are proud to be recognized as the best MCQs portal in the world, providing top-notch materials for anyone interested in Computer Networks.

If you’re searching for the best MCQs site for computer MCQs focused on Computer Networks, look no further. Our site includes a broad selection of computer MCQs that cover key networking concepts. With our computer MCQ online test options, you’ll gain access to high-quality practice questions and answers tailored for networking enthusiasts. Discover why we are considered the best MCQs site for computer MCQs and the best MCQs portal in the world for studying Computer Networks.

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What does ‘SMTP’ stand for?

A. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
B. Secure Mail Transfer Protocol
C. Simple Message Transfer Protocol
D. Secure Message Transfer Protocol

Answer: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

What is a ‘firewall’?

A. A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic
B. A type of network switch
C. A hardware component for encryption
D. A network cable

Answer: A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic

What is ‘QoS’ used for in networking?

A. Managing and prioritizing network traffic to ensure performance
B. Encrypting data
C. Increasing bandwidth
D. Storing data

Answer: Managing and prioritizing network traffic to ensure performance

What is a ‘vulnerability’ in network security?

A. A weakness that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access or cause harm
B. A type of network device
C. A protocol for secure communication
D. A method for increasing network speed

Answer: A weakness that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access or cause harm

What is a ‘digital certificate’?

A. An electronic document used to verify the identity of a user or device
B. A type of network hardware
C. A protocol for data transfer
D. A software application for data management

Answer: An electronic document used to verify the identity of a user or device

What is a ‘modem’?

A. A device that modulates and demodulates signals for data transmission
B. A type of network cable
C. A network protocol
D. A hardware component for encryption

Answer: A device that modulates and demodulates signals for data transmission

What is a ‘gateway’ in networking?

A. A device that connects different networks and translates protocols
B. A type of network switch
C. A method for data encryption
D. A network management tool

Answer: A device that connects different networks and translates protocols

What is ‘ICMP’ primarily used for?

A. Error reporting and diagnostics in network communication
B. Data encryption
C. Network speed enhancement
D. Data storage

Answer: Error reporting and diagnostics in network communication

What is a ‘domain’ in networking?

A. A logical group of network resources or computers
B. A physical network device
C. A type of network protocol
D. A network management tool

Answer: A logical group of network resources or computers