Antonyms MCQs | STS IBA FPSC BPSC SPSC PPSC Mcqs Test Preparation

Mastering antonyms is essential for building a strong vocabulary, especially when preparing for language tests. Practicing antonyms MCQs helps in understanding the meaning of words and their opposites, which is crucial for enhancing both writing and speaking skills. Whether you’re preparing for an entry test or simply looking to improve your language abilities, focusing on antonyms MCQs for entry tests can significantly boost your performance.

For those seeking to practice efficiently, online antonyms MCQs provide a wide range of questions to help you recognize and remember antonyms with ease. Additionally, working with antonyms MCQs with answers allows you to immediately assess your progress and learn from any mistakes. If you’re targeting university admissions, practicing antonyms MCQs for university entry tests can give you an extra edge by focusing on the specific vocabulary challenges presented in higher-level exams.

English MCQs
Active and Passive Voice McqsAntonyms MCQs
Fill in the blanks MCQsIdioms And Phrases Mcqs
One Word Substitutes MCQsPrepositions Mcqs
Read the Passage MCQsRelated Pair of Words/Analogy Mcqs
Spelling Test MCQsSynonyms Mcqs

What is the antonym of ‘Enthusiastic’?

A. Eager
B. Indifferent
C. Excited
D. Passionate

Answer: Indifferent

What is the antonym of ‘Easy’?

A. Simple
B. Difficult
C. Effortless
D. Straightforward

Answer: Difficult

What is the antonym of ‘Altruistic’?

A. Selfish
B. Generous
C. Kind
D. Unselfish

Answer: Selfish

What is the antonym of ‘Precise’?

A. Exact
B. Vague
C. Accurate
D. Specific

Answer: Vague

What is the antonym of ‘Courage’?

A. Bravery
B. Fear
C. Boldness
D. Heroism

Answer: Fear

What is the antonym of ‘Partial’?

A. Biased
B. Full
C. Incomplete
D. Unbiased

Answer: Full

What is the antonym of ‘Noisy’?

A. Loud
B. Quiet
C. Boisterous
D. Hushed

Answer: Quiet

What is the antonym of ‘Flexible’?

A. Adaptable
B. Rigid
C. Elastic
D. Malleable

Answer: Rigid

What is the antonym of ‘Dangerous’?

A. Risky
B. Safe
C. Hazardous
D. Perilous

Answer: Safe