Kinematics MCQs | STS IBA FPSC BPSC SPSC PPSC Mcqs Test Preparation

Kinematics with Targeted Online Physics Exams

Elevate your understanding of Kinematics with specialized online physics exams designed to boost your preparation. These resources provide a thorough review of basic physics concepts related to motion, velocity, and acceleration. Engage with practice tests and MCQ answers to strengthen your grasp of kinematic equations and principles. Focusing on MDCAT MCQs and other relevant practice questions can significantly enhance your performance.

For success in physical tests, particularly the MDCAT, incorporate high-quality practice MCQs focused on Kinematics. Utilize Pak MCQs to refine your skills and build confidence. By leveraging these expert online tools, you’ll ensure comprehensive preparation and achieve excellent results in your Kinematics exams.

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If an object travels a distance of 100 meters in 10 seconds, what is its average velocity?

A. 10 m/s
B. 5 m/s
C. 15 m/s
D. 20 m/s

Answer: 10 m/s

What is the distance traveled by an object accelerating uniformly from rest with an acceleration of 4 m/s² after 6 seconds?

A. 144 meters
B. 96 meters
C. 72 meters
D. 60 meters

Answer: 144 meters

The formula for calculating average velocity when acceleration is constant is:

A. v_avg = (u + v) / 2
B. v_avg = u + v
C. v_avg = u – v
D. v_avg = (s / t)

Answer: v_avg = (u + v) / 2

If an object moves with a velocity of 15 m/s and has an acceleration of 3 m/s², what will be its velocity after 4 seconds?

A. 27 m/s
B. 27 m/s
C. 15 m/s
D. 12 m/s

Answer: 27 m/s

The time taken for an object to travel a certain distance under uniform acceleration is calculated using which formula?

A. t = (v – u) / a
B. t = u / (v – a)
C. t = s / (u + v)
D. t = √(2s / a)

Answer: t = (v – u) / a

An object moves with an acceleration of 2 m/s² for 5 seconds. What is the change in velocity?

A. 10 m/s
B. 5 m/s
C. 2 m/s
D. 1 m/s

Answer: 10 m/s

The kinematic equation v² = u² + 2as is used to find:

A. Final velocity
B. Initial velocity
C. Displacement
D. Acceleration

Answer: Displacement

In kinematics, the term ‘uniform acceleration’ refers to:

A. Constant acceleration
B. Constant velocity
C. Constant speed
D. Changing velocity

Answer: Constant acceleration

An object travels with a velocity of 30 m/s and comes to a stop in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. -6 m/s²
B. -3 m/s²
C. 6 m/s²
D. 3 m/s²

Answer: -6 m/s²